Monday, December 17, 2012

ART EXCHANGE 2012-2013 THE BEGINNING  Please double click on the link above or the link under 'My Links' to see the movie of Floral students and students from the NINTH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in Higashi Yamato-shi, Tokyo, Japan holding their unfinished backgrounds that they have sent to each other to finish as a collaborative art project. Both schools will complete each other's artwork, then they will return the finished art along with gifts, letters and photographs of the themselves showing who finished whose picture.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

First grade art

Poinsettias made from cut paper
First grade art is a very fun time for me and my students. Most students have only some experience with cutting and gluing shapes onto paper. In this grade level the 'big idea' is- simple shapes make up everything in the world. So we cut out simple shapes and glue them onto paper and create beautiful and creative art. You would be surprised to see the challenge this presents at times for the children. :)